Thursday 9 October 2014


Experience is a numeric value based on performing a variety of different activities in game such as completingachievements, upgrading buildings, donating troops, destroying Town Halls whist raiding, etc. The more experience you earn the higher your level becomes.
Your level and current amount of experience gained toward the next level is displayed on the upper left hand corner of your screen.

How Experience Relates to Level

As you gain experience, your level increases. At each new level (until 200), the amount of experience you need to advance to the next level increases by 50. Beyond level 200, the amount of experience you need to advance to the next level increases by 500. It is currently believed that the theoretical maximum level is 300, but no one has yet reached that point.

Calculating Experience Required For the Next Level

Given any level below 200, the following formula can be used to determine how much experience is required to achieve the next level:
Level * 50
For example if you are level 87, you need (87 * 50) = 4,350 additional experience to become level 88.
For level 200 and beyond, the following formula can be used:
(Level - 199) * 500 + 9,950
For example if you are level 242, you need (43 * 500 + 9,950) = 31,450 additional experience to become level 243.
A general formula for any level is as follows:
Level * 50 + Max(0, (Level - 199) * 450)
Where Max(x, y) selects the maximum of the two values x and y (in this case, ensuring that levels below 199 are ignored by the second half of the formula).

Calculating Total Experience Earned

If you wish to calculate the total amount of experience someone has earned, use the following formula (if their level is 200 or less):
Level * (Level - 1) * 25
For example to reach level 87, you need 87 * 86 * 25 = 187,050 experience.
Calculating total experience earned for someone over level 200 becomes slightly more complicated and a simple formula will not be given. You can use the calculator below, however.

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