Thursday 9 October 2014

How to Gain Trophies Easily


Some players choose to farm, others choose to use Gems, but for many players, it's all about the Trophies!
You can attack and attack all day and lose as many Trophies as you win, even using P.E.K.K.AsGiantsDragons and so forth. Not only are those all time-consuming troops, they are costly as well! Some make it pretty high up in Trophies using nothing but Archers and Barbarians.

The Basics

In order for someone to win an attack, they must achieve at least one star in the battle. The first star can be from getting 50% destruction or destroying the Town Hall. If you do both, you will get two stars. In order to get three stars, you must destroy 100% of the enemy's buildings. 
You are here to learn how to win, right? Then you should accept winning even if its only one star. Don't aim too high at unrealistic achievements, especially if you attack harder opponents. Go for 50%, that's what I do, and I am doing pretty well with my strategy. Don't attack anyone unless you think you can get 50% or destroy their Town Hall.
Basically, my advice is to upgrade everything you can with the Town Hall level you have before you upgrade it, as the higher level your Town Hall is the lower the percentage of Resources you win from attacking someone.

The Strategy

he strategy itself is simple. To begin, if you have two Barracks, load one queue with Archers and the other with Barbarians. If you have three, then load two with Archers and the other training Barbarians. The same philosophy applies if you have four, always just load one Barracks queue with Barbarians and the rest with Archers. Don't forget to upgrade your Troops as well!
Now that you know what to train and how, it's time to learn how to attack! 

Selecting an Opponent

Be sure to find an opponent that offers many Trophies, typically at least 25. The ideal opponent that you be looking for is one that has a lot of items outside his or her Walls. Another easy strategy is to find farmers who have their Town Hallexposed. This is a very easy way to gain Trophies and does not take a very long time. A common strategy is to deploy 4 or 5 Archers and wait; this way you can maximize the amount of Trophies gained without having to train more Troops. Another effective way to destroy an unprotected Town Hall is to use a Hero so you do not have to waste any Troops at all. Since the Hero (hopefully) does not take damage, he/she will be immediately available for the next attack.

Deploying Troops

Take advantage of the multi-touch feature in this game by dropping Troops simultaneously! Drop them from top to bottom, one finger on the right side the other on the left side. You should make two big half circles with your fingers, one on the right side of the village and one on the left. Move fast when doing so!. I like to place half of my Archers first, then all of my Barbarians second, and finally the rest of my Archers. You should get 50% destruction this way, and if you are lucky, even more! I use this on many people, including level 80s and up. Another important idea to keep in mind is if you are over 50% and you only have about 20 more Troops, then just keep them for the next raid unless a good amount of loot is available.
Here is a video showing you how to drop Troops simultaneously. The circle attack strategy is not shown here, but this is still very helpful. 

Alternate Strategy

As an alternative to the above strategy, you can make 40 Minions and the rest Archers and attack from one side only. Deploy one Minion to trigger any Air Bombs, then deploy all Archers and Clan Castle. When everything on the outside is cleared out, deploy Minions because they will go for the inside of the base. At level 70 with level 3 Minions and level 6 Archers this strategy worked well for one player and got them to 1900 Trophies easily.

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